All TTAO Members have the option of paying dues annually for $50 or submitting a Lifetime payment of $500. Membership is June 1st through May 31st of the following year. All payments and Membership Directory updates must be completed by June 1st for members to be considered ACTIVE as well as to be considered/recommended for Area, Region, and State adjudication panels. A late fee of $20 will be assessed for any member not meeting the June 1st deadline. Members failing to pay dues and update the online profile within thirty days of the deadline will be removed from active membership on July 1st and will be ineligible to officiate during the upcoming UIL One Act Play Season. Lifetime Dues-Members may choose to pay lifetime fees of $500.00 at any time but must still update the online membership directory profile annually.
Once certified, adjudication will be ongoing with the potential of several online requirements to be met throughout the year. Each member is required to renew their dues and directory information annually. Also, an online certification questionnaire may be required of all members as TTAO and/or UIL adjusts contest procedures.
Currently, most volunteers serve in the capacity of S&P Member or Board Member. However, as we are progressing down this newly restructured venture, perhaps there are new ways we can employ the use of volunteers. If you have special skills (webmaster, archivist, CPA, legal services for example) and would like to throw your hat into the proverbial volunteer ring, please let TTAO know.
For several reasons, actually. Our organization and the Texas Educational Theatre Association (TETA) have had a long collaborative relationship. And though we are no longer connected via By-Laws, we are still connected via people, shared programming, and special interests. At the heart of both programs is the goal of enriching the educational value of theatre in Texas. TTAO is committed to continuing its rich history with TETA. It is still the intent of TTAO to conduct annual membership meetings at the TETA Convention every January.
Currently, the maximum number of contests that an adjudicator can judge is 6. However, adjudicating 2 Zone contests only counts as 1. Participating in one-act play clinics does not count towards your maximum number of 6 contests.
Every summer the TTAO Board of Directors examines all adjudicator and contest manager evaluations submitted during the previous UIL one-act play season. From this thorough exploration, recommendations are made by TTAO to UIL with regards to adjudicator availability (as acquired from the June membership renewal) and feedback from the evaluations. UIL evaluates the list of recommendations and then extends offers to adjudicators for Area, Region, and State panels.
We created a tutorial to help you out. Play the video below.
I’m having more issues with Connect. Can someone help me?
There are additional tutorial videos on our YouTube channel that may help.
You can also contact TTAO Support at