TTAO Code of Ethics and Professional Standards
Adjudicators and Contest Managers shall know and uphold all rules for one-act play competition as stated in the current editions of the UIL Constitution and Contest Rules and current edition of the The Handbook for One-Act Play published by the University Interscholastic League. Failure to comply with TTAO’s Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct will be considered an ethics violation and may result in range of penalties including suspension or removal from TTAO.
- Adjudicators shall be physically, emotionally and mentally fit to discharge their duties at OAP contests.
- Adjudicators shall maintain an ethical code of conduct which will not impair or prejudice effectiveness as a adjudicator, before, during and immediately following competition dates.
- Adjudicators shall honor all signed contracts, assignments and duties as prescribed in writing by the contest manager. Prompt notification of the contest manager regarding emergency situations is required.
- Adjudicators shall avoid any behavior that might be interpreted as favoritism by contest participants.
- Adjudicators shall not discuss negatively other adjudicators or fellow panelists with directors or school officials. Such criticism of other adjudicators shall be made in writing to Chair of TTAO.
- Adjudicators should use discretion by avoiding repeated judging in their immediate vicinity. Do not judge more than two years consecutively in the same zone, district, area, or region.
- Adjudicators currently employed in Texas public schools shall not accept judging assignments in which said schools could potentially compete.
- Adjudicators are expected to use discretion in accepting assignments at sites that would likely be considered a violation of good common sense or a potential conflict of interest.
- Adjudicators shall present critiques and attendance should be open to anyone who wants to listen.
- Adjudicators shall not announce the awards, distribute the trophies, serve as the timekeeper, perform any of the tasks of the contest manager, or become openly involved in interpreting the rules of the contest.
- Adjudicators shall correct mistakes immediately. When contest managers misread or give awards incorrectly, stop the process before the situation becomes more complicated. Speak up. Don’t wait. Mistakes discovered during critiques should be corrected.
- Adjudicators shall not accept or solicit any gift, favor, service, or other benefit that could reasonably be construed to influence the adjudicator’s discharge of assigned duties and responsibilities
- Adjudicators shall not confer with anyone before they have made their decision.
- Adjudicators shall not contact students from any production they have adjudicated unless contacting the student falls under their official duties for an institution of higher learning. This is not intended to limit recruitment.
- Adjudicators shall not use social media to announce results from contests and should refrain from commenting on any contest they have adjudicated or could possibly adjudicate in the future.
- Adjudicators may not critique a one-act play entry in festival, clinic or contest or watch as an audience member any production that they may adjudicate in a future contest that year.
- Adjudicators shall respect the confidentiality of information that is privileged or that, if disclosed, may needlessly injure individuals or schools.
- Adjudicators shall only use TTAO Connect to accept contracts for official UIL Contests.
Contest Managers
- Contest Managers shall be physically, emotionally and mentally fit to discharge their duties at OAP contests.
- Contest Managers shall maintain an ethical code of conduct which will not impair or prejudice effectiveness as a Contest Managers , before, during and immediately following competition dates.
- Contest Managers shall honor all signed contracts, assignments and duties.
- Contest Managers shall not discuss negatively adjudicators with directors or school officials. Such criticism of adjudicators shall be made in writing to Chair of TTAO.
- Contest Managers are expected to use discretion in accepting assignments at sites that would likely be considered a violation of good common sense or a potential conflict of interest.
- Contest Managers shall correct mistakes immediately. When contest managers misread or give awards incorrectly, stop the process before the situation becomes more complicated. Speak up. Don’t wait. Mistakes discovered during critiques should be corrected.
- Contest Managers shall not accept or solicit any gift, favor, service, or other benefit that could reasonably be construed to influence the contest manager’s discharge of assigned duties and responsibilities.
- Contest Managers shall uphold all rules for one-act play competition as stated in the current editions of the UIL Constitution and Contest Rules and current edition of the The Handbook for One-Act Play published by the University Interscholastic League.
- Contest managers shall be onsite and available during all rehearsals and performances as well as the directors meeting.
- Contest Managers shall respect the confidentiality of information that is privileged or that, if disclosed, may needlessly injure individuals or schools.
- Contest Managers shall only use TTAO Connect to accept contracts for official UIL Contests.