TTAO Grievance Process
To afford members and concerned parties a platform to share concerns and grievances TTAO has adopted a formal grievance policy. While TTAO respects the need for privacy, and will keep matters confidential, the board will not accept any anonymous grievances.
Discipline Grievance
Poor performance or unprofessional behavior
- Unless the chair or chair-elect feels it is time sensitive these submissions would be taken up by the Executive Committee at their next meeting.
- If chair or chair-elect believe there is sufficient evidence of wrongdoing they would gather any information needed and refer the grievance to the Executive Committee.
- The official in question would be made aware of the allegations against them and invited to give a formal written response due within one week of notification.
- Any grievance would be brought before the Executive Committee and with a majority vote the the committee can choose to take no action or choose from a range of discipline outlined below.
- After adjudicating the issue and determining the course of action the Executive Committee would respond to initial submitter with an update of whether action taken, but not the specific nature of the action.
Range of Discipline
- Level 1 – Take No Action – The grievance will be kept in the custodial care of the current Chair. If additional complaints are received action may be taken at a later date.
- Level 2 – A private letter of reprimand will be sent to the adjudicator only and a copy kept in the custodial care of the current Chair.
- Level 3 – If the issue is more serious and/or the member has shown a pattern of level 2 behavior a level 3 penalty may include:
- probationary period of up to three years and may include any reasonable conditions which, if not fulfilled, may result in a more stringent penalty.
- Removal from Area/Region/State Recommended list.
- Requiring the member to go through the certification process again or other professional development
- Any other reasonable penalty short of expulsion that the committee chooses. These are meant to be examples and not limitations.
- Level 4 – If the Investigation results show a complaint is of a serious nature, (This could also include repeated complaints of a Level 2 or Level 3 violations or failure to complete a probationary period or actions taken) the member can be expelled from TTAO membership.
Non-Discipline Grievance – issues, concerns, recommendations
- If non-discipline submission is from member in good standing then it is automatically put on the Standards and Practices Committee agenda for their next meeting.
- If non-discipline submission is from a non-member the Chair-elect will determine whether or not to include the issue on the Standards and Practices Agenda during their next meeting.
- The chair-elect must provide a written response to the original submitter within 30 days of decision to take any action.
Appeals Process
In order to allow for due process, if action has been taken against a member they may appeal that decision up to two times. Only members who have had action taken against them by the Executive Committee may appeal.
First Appeal
- The member has seven days from being notified of any action taken against them to appeal the decision by the Executive Committee. If the decision is appealed the TTAO board would adjudicate the appeal at their next scheduled meeting.
- The chair would preside over the appeal and will provide the board with the relevant information to adjudicate the appeal.
- The member appealing may submit a letter or appear before the board in person.
- A majority vote of the full board may uphold the decision with the possibility of changing the range of discipline or reverse the decision.
- The member who has appealed would be notified within 7 days of the board’s decision.
- If the member does not appeal the accuser would be notified within 30 days that action was taken.
Final Appeal
- The member has seven days from being notified of any action taken against them to appeal the decision by the TTAO Board. If the member appeals the decision of the Board of TTAO then the Standards and Practices Committee would adjudicate the appeal at their next scheduled meeting.
- The chair-elect would preside over the appeal and will provide the the Standards and Practices committee with the relevant information to adjudicate the appeal.
- A majority vote of the Standards and Practices Committee may uphold the decision with the possibility of changing the range of discipline or reverse the decision.
- The member who has appealed would be notified within 7 days of the board’s decision.
- The accuser would be notified within 30 days that action was taken.
- The decision of the Standards and Practices Committee is final. There is no avenue to appeal the decision after it has been made.
Section 7-Suspension and Removal
- On the rare occasion that an Adjudicator habitually fails to complete online requirements, or does not comply with outlined limitations and expectations, or is found in violation of TTAO’s Code of Ethics and Professional Standards, or demonstrates a pattern of unsatisfactory evaluations that member may be suspended and will be notified of his or her status by July 1st .
- Suspended Adjudicators will be given a specific growth plan and must complete an additional certification workshop.
- Failure to meet the goals of the prescribed growth plan will result in the revocation of certification and removal from the recommended Adjudicators’ list.
Contest Managers
- On the rare occasion that a Contest Manager fails to complete online requirements, or does not comply with outlined limitations and expectations, or is found in violation of TTAO’s Code of Ethics and Professional Standards, or receives evaluations indicating non-compliance of UIL rules, that member may be suspended and will be notified of his or her status by July 1st .
- Suspended Contest Managers will be given a specific growth plan and must complete an additional live certification workshop.
- Failure to meet the goals of the prescribed growth plan will result in the revocation of membership and notification to UIL.
Below is a flow chart relating to TTAO’s grievance policy.